ERA Research & Consultancy executes potential market research on the decision making processes in new markets for firms. Through these researches the decision makers:
Can learn the current needs of the target market consumers,
Can obtain opinion on the current brand and product preferences in the market,
Can detect advantages that may render superiority while entering the market,
Can shape the design, price range, channel structure and communication strategies of the product of service to be offered to the market.
With respect to communication strategy, corporate identity, corporate perception and reputation must be followed on the basis of the stakeholders of the institution. These stakeholders are various entities in contact with the company.
There ara differences on the sensitive issues and values among these entites contacted. Priorities shall be calculated on the basis of each entity. However, the common issues of these entities comprise the main rule of the communication strategy. Based on the awareness of the sensitive issues and values of each entity contacted, priorities of each entity are determined during our sudies, however, the common denominator of these entites comprise the main rule of the communication strategy.
ERA Research & Consultancy meets the information requirements of companies via the research conducted on the overall life cycle of a specific brand. It executes research on consumer, competition and brand analysis as one of the strategic brand analysis steps. It conducts positioning researches to determine which attributes of the brand stand out and to which other brands its position is closer. After following the communication activities of the plan, it both measures the effectiveness level of the messages conveyed throughout the communication activities of the brand and determines how much the benefit chain and brand identity provided are perceived.
Ad concepts or materials are tested before the broadcast via the Ad Tests and the efficiency of the ad is measured. the studies after the broadcast help to detect how much the ad is effective and successfull and whether it achieved the foreseen success after or during the broadcast.